The proper management of the operations and production of your business is es-sential to remain competitive and stand out from the competition.
Observing your market, asking yourself questions, readjusting your goals, and evolving is often the only way to get there. However, in some businesses, the operation and production component sometimes gets left behind in favour of several other issues that need to be resolved.
Are you an entrepreneur looking to improve the management of the operations and production of your business? You’re on the right track with Road to Entrepreneur-ship!

In entrepreneurship, failing to plan often means planning to fail.
Like a roadmap, your plan will tell you where you want to go, how long it will take to get there, and which path to take. There, you can write down all the steps of the operation and production of your business, the role of each player, the time that will have to be spent on each task, etc.
That way, your whole team will be on the same wavelength, and you will avoid wasting time.
The market evolves, and so do your competitors. To achieve a form of operations and production management that leads you to success, it’s essential to conduct an annu-al checkup.
Is your market the same as last year? Where do you stand now? Has your competition significantly improved its production? Are there things that need to be corrected in your internal process? Are the timelines and goals you’ve set for yourself still reasonable?
All these questions will help you make diagnoses and find solutions
The SADCs and CAEs in your region are full of resources from which you could bene-fit to optimize your operation and production management.
Their advisors know the field and can help you with your logistics considerations. They have a perspective that some entrepreneurs may no longer have on their problems and are able to make concrete diagnoses.
Take advantage of the network offered by your SADCs and CAEs! Together, you will be able to make your project a success.