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Développement économique local
Accompagnement aux entreprises
Financement offert sur certains territoires seulement
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Youth services

Youth services

Start a business project or find a job in the regions

Young people are the future of the regions. This is why SADCs and CAEs develop projects that encourage youth to stay or to return to live in their region. In addition to

financing and support for young entrepreneurs, SADCs and CAEs undertake different initiatives to encourage youth to go into business. We also offer jobs and internships in their fields of study.


Since 1997 more than 9,000 young Quebecers have benefited from the youth strategy. More than 31,000 jobs have been created or maintained thanks to these entrepreneurs.

Are you ready to take the plunge and go into business? Are you between the ages of 18 and 39? We take your vision seriously!

SADC's can offer you:

  • A personal loan of up to $25,000 per entrepreneur
  • The possibility of financing two young people for the same project, for a total of $50,000
  • A moratorium on interest and the possibility of a two-year moratorium on return of capital


Are you under the age of 30 and looking for a job in your field? Look no further than your own region!

Internship offers are available within your SADC or CAE for community projects.

For complete details on available internships: